Free Roulette Systems - Do They Work?
My quick take on the constant barrage of free roulette systems that I
see being touted is that they don't work. For the firm advocates of these
systems, I won't jump into the whys of how they don't work; instead I
will just ask a few questions. Fat Tony's gonna ask some questions that
are basically rhetorical questions that might or might not make you understand
why free roulette systems work or don't work.
Question 1
If your systems are so good, why are you giving them away? Shouldn't you
be looking to use it at every casino in Vegas, make a fortune, buy a small
island in the Bahamas and retire?
Question 2
Since your systems are so amazing and guarantee that I will make a fortune,
then why don't you charge me a small fortune to buy it off you? If it's
really good, it should be worth a lot more than you're actually selling
it for, right?
Question 3
I'd like to see a real life application of your winning system. Where
can I go to see this system operating in reality? In fact, do you have
any independent references or users of this system who've become rich
off it?
Question 4
If I don't get any of the winnings that you're touting, can I get a full
refund after a certain length of trial time?
If any roulette system proponents have good answers to some or all of
the questions listed above, I'd be happy to entertain them.