Live Roulette
Unheard of probably a few years ago, online gambling has been taken by
storm by yet another innovation - live roulette. Yes, it's true, now you
can play for real money, from your computer, with a real live croupier
spinning the wheel as you bet and with other real people who're online
gambling or spectators at your table. It's just as though you were in
a real live casino playing for real, so for this reason, the whole thing
is simply amazing to me.
Undoubtedly one of the most exciting technological innovations in the
history of roulette gaming and online gambling in general, there are
many online desitnations that offer live roulette as part of their entertainment.
How do they do it? How does it work? It's pretty simple - video cameras
at the Online Casino's chosen location, a regular roulette table and wheel
setup that's hooked up to the computer systems, and a croupier (usually
female) to spin the wheel and do the roll.
With the right software (usually standard with most Microsoft Windows
operating systems) you'll be able to logon with your username and password
and view or join a live roulette game in progress. Don't ask me the semantics
of how they actually do it, all I know is that it works and its just another
sweet way of bringing me that much closer to real live casino gambling
as if I were in Vegas itself.